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Student Demonstrations of Learning

Students are capable of far more than what many classrooms allow them to show.  Our students have many different opportunities to demonstrate their learning publicly, in front of an authentic audience of peers, community experts, family members, and mentors. When students show what they've learned in front a more meaningful audience, their expectations increase, their sense of accomplishment is greater, their learning is deepened, and the feedback they receive is more authentic and impactful.  

The Pennington Street Showcase is a public demonstration of learning for all three schools.  Here, students show their completed projects in an evening event open to the public.  

Student-Led Conferences are far superior to traditional teacher-parent conferences.  At student-led conferences, students reflect on their academic, social, and emotional journey and then share their strengths and stretches, using their personal portfolio of work as evidence.  Giving students this opportunity to have agency over their learning and their goal-setting empowers them to be life-long learners.

Gateways are year-end demonstrations of learning.  These public presentations of learning put the student in front of their peers, family members, and community members so they can demonstrate their success over the year.  For each student, their journey to success and fulfillment is different.  Gateways give students the opportunity to showcase their growth and demonstrate with evidence how they are prepared for the next grade level. 

CITY Center Schools and Programs

Pennington Street Showcase

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